Multiplication of Manipulation or using it as a means for the purpose of YOUR LIFE PROJECT...

serves My Life- through Task-Fulfillment

My Personalized Think-System... INTERNET BUSINESS OFFER i-GPS OFFER PROGRESS Report DEUTSCH:    Internet Business Offerte i-GPS Offerte

Imagine getting clear about what to multiply and how with Your Personalized and Automated Internet Business System 

Simply the Best in Multiplying: But wait, where do we get if we simply multiply what multiplies as mass-attractive? Look at those man-made products that eventually destroy life such as cigarettes - lungs, one cigarette butt poisons 30 liter of water. Money such multiplied, and markets flooded with money leads to blowing bubbles and worse. This option_i is now dominating the economy [video].On the other hand look at sex, it is mass-attractive, multiplies among teens. But as such it serves Option_ii, life-fulfillment, as the carrier for its precondition, procreation. The best Option I Internet Training: Earn while you learn!  Once alive, people normally have five year to get accustomed to life. In the 1st year by experiencing it, in the 2nd to focus on what needs to be fulfilled, in the 3rd in getting clarity about one’s position in society, in the 4th, getting some freedom, in the 5th, beginning to take responsibility for health in order to grow further, from having implemented to §1-express what is essential,  under- standing and following one’s §2-purpose using what the society offers to grow beyond it, with §3-integrity up to the age of 15 as a basis for a §0-sustainable own life by the age of 20, and then further, based on one’s inner X-substance, in one’s B1-belief... Earn in the marketing business and obtain your marketing for your Life Project: Having outgrown the option_i world, we still need to get attention in it for what we really want and have to offer for Life- through Task-Fulfillment in this world. The temptation is to get success in the virtual world under option_i...

Consulting your inner Growth-Potential-System, i-GPS, you can direct the above business tools to

serve your life- through task-fulfillment. Just take a moment to reflect what you have so far achieved in

your life along your self-determined line, which I call Option II, and what by simply going along with others

in the prevailing, other-determined option I way of doing business and relating to each other as usual:

Where has option I become a non-acceptable, even a sickening limitation for your life? Where did that,

where did YOU make a difference in your life and that of others? You see what §2-purpose I follow as a

y-minimal requirement for synergy with each other? In the Option II language that is Bm(§2-y#2>1) for you

to learn about if you opt-in for your I-GPS - to end boring discussions just like after a mathematical proof...

Here you get the missing keys to unlock your potential towards your genuine way beyond making more money. It is an outstanding way based on the leading edge research since 1979, making use of the everywhere missing science with Option II. It is about the con(science#3) in the service of which the three organized sciences (of numbers#1-words#2-forms#0) can and should be, rather than limited by the non- scientific option I myth of evolutionary mass-attractivity. So much for the Process I multiply with the above mentioned Boundary condition for me to make use of my Option II: Pm(§0-M#1>6) for M-maximal §0- sustainability in view of what is 6-very good The time has come where a critical number of real people need to learn what that means and how to implement timely exchange of project-oriented competence beyond going on to simply struggling towards mass-attractivity, the all other exclusive measure under option I. That is the only way to make at least this century and in it, your life, a desirable one! So here is the opportunity for you to become part of the solution in your life time; it’s not longer in hierarchical systems under option I, it is on and towards truly desirable LifeFulfilling Platforms to be parameterized based on understanding each other as we can be understood in view of our innate principle of life-fulfillment. So much for the Objective I multiply to make my Option II Bm>Pm tangible: Om(L1-b#2>3) to b-balance each other’s L1-life projects even in view of the still prevailing 3-unsatisfactory way the world is still organized not for lifefulfillment, but for zeitgeist cults... If you get a feeling what that could mean for you from now on, you are on the right track with Option II. Then I can assure you, that you can reframe your life by making proper use of the options presented here with no need anymore to refer to the flood of pseudo-sciences and the guru multipliers multiplications! Once you found your relationship to your innate self as the potential to be fulfilled in your life time, you are on track. So much for the Communication I multiply for my Option II Bm>Pm>Om to make use of my Option II: Cm(G2-S#2>4) to promote a S-relaxing B2-breakthrough beyond the option I confinement of life projects towards genuinely 4-pacifying ways of earning and living together...  
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Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science Webutation