Option II; breakthrough to Applied.Think-Systems.ch enabling LifeFulfilling Platforms

based on the missing Science#3

My Personalized Think-System... INTERNET BUSINESS OFFER i-GPS OFFER PROGRESS Report DEUTSCH:    Internet Business Offerte i-GPS Offerte

Obviously our scientific edifice lacks how to really Personalize Business in a LifeFulfilling Way; here is the solution: 

Simply the Best in Content-free Networking: Science usually refers to

science#1, that of quantifying nature in a content-free basic way with numbers and

mathematics up to sociology and economy. Here MXFASTMONEY provides the best

in market elementary, low risk way for networking. In the Option II language, here are 

my 6 inner resources#1 (h1-y1-M6-f4-R3-A3) among others my R-(re)solution for

the 3-unsatisfying H3-reality the option_i driven society evokes in its permanently

selfs-destructive organization systems. Your i-GPS reveals all of yours...

The best personally-neutral Internet Training: Learn all about option I while you earn! Science#2, the wordy, so-called humanities are about dealing with target groups in personally- neutral ways, dividing those concerned in subjective and objective qualities in order to rule the latter. Here are my 4 inner resources#2 (c6-S4-g3-t6) among others my t-thinking in view of of is 6-very good for all human beings; certainly not the still prevailing thinking catastrophe option I, but definitely the pro- active way to prevent human catastrophe with life- through task fulfillment with Option II! What under option I is a contradiction, that between science#2 and science#3 and is controlled by the former, sacrificing the latter, in the end the lifefulfillment of real human beings, I have resolved by founding science#3 and making it operational for YOU too among others with my t-thinking towards the 6-very good; you hopefully know by now, Option II!. That become possible in me, once I S-relaxed to find 4-peace  beyond the mean polarization of science#2 where it reaches beyond where it makes sense, to regulate objects in the truly common interest of all concerned, to subtly allow humans to divide each other to work out a common rule; a mono-political, permanently self-destructive madness, idolizing the zeitgeist!  Similarly YOU are challenged to fulfill a similar task corresponding th X-who you are in terms of your lifefulfillment principle, to open up the truly evil man-made only#2 construct of option I, with Option II, in order to fulfill your life. By becoming a member of the  EMPOWER NETWORK you learn all about the internet world you need, and how to achieve beyond it. Knowing your parameter as I have indicated mine, allows you a laser sharp focus rather than getting fragmented impotent, and sucked empty by the zeitgeist... Earn in the marketing business and obtain your marketing for your Life Project: This is a matter of expressing your breakthrough indicated above, with effective forms in terms of in-form-ation. And that asks for the corresponding, e.g., serving your substancial purpose, science#0, the any-thing goes art of presentation with the appearance of forms and events. Please understand what #0 signifies; in itself of no substance, contrary to #1, that of the substance of dead, material nature in terms of its space- and timeless laws, #2 that of collectives in their history based on its cultivated mentality - which can go either way; towards evilness if there are less than a critical number of real people, such as prophets, or towards a desirable progress otherwise! Here are my 2 inner resources#0 (I3-J5); my way as you experiences it here  of I-conceptualizing the J-self-justification in a 5-good way, in an otherwise 3-unsatisfactory world, to say the y-least. It was a major progress in human history when some people, above all Issac Newton the founder of modern physics found appropriate ways to at least express science#1 beyond the zeitgeist. As you might know, Galileo Galilee had to step back confronted with the inquisitive rhetorically evil definition power I of Pope Urban II; he was still lacking the mathematical way to convincingly express the laws of nature, which later Newton came up with and so he had to fight on the same level like the ignorant Pope with all the option I arrogance on his side! That should have indicated the innovation desirable marketing requires to you. You can learn all about it about with more reliable earning then the stock exchange, once you invest in the booming business of BannersBroker...

So what remains of the 16 essential inner resources each human being has, are for me, my 2 inner

resources#3 (p6-X6); my way of p-perceiving my X=9Pp essence first of myself, once parameterized that of

any human system (you, relationships, teams, cultures). This way I do not have to fight with the pre-

trans-trapping science#2 on its personally substance less level, in fact in itself a trap, but can refer to what

transcends it and is 6-very good for each of us, the personally relevant innate law of lifefulfillment, just as

are the laws of nature, when it came to create material things that make sense. You want TRAFFIC for

your project, directly to the DESKTOPS of people hungry to get on top?

Option I on the other hand makes what equally inhibits crimes, and as its far bigger stumbling blocks, the

corner stones which accounted for, can transcend its otherwise unavoidable self-destruction - such as after

Jesus redirection, the Temple in Jerusalem, and other evil empires, before and after it, up to those in our

time. Now the choice is yours to go on with the limited and limiting option I sciences#1,#2,#0, thus

remaining part of the problem, in formation with the evolutionary zeitgeist rat race towards chaos. Or you

may now become part of the solution by accepting and fulfilling your innate task of overcoming option I

with Option II to fulfill your life in reference to your X-being ....

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Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science
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